TreePans is an environmentally friendly product manufactured using recycled plastic. TreePans, when placed around the base of a tree, decreases the water needed by retaining moisture. Our product will be used to replace the current industry standard of plastic sheeting and mulch.
Business Description:
Treepans replaces mulch, plastic sheeting, tree rings and tree wraps. TreePans helps to protect against damage from mowers, weed eaters, frost, drought, fungus/mold and rodents. The dome design promotes growth, uses less water, and reduces labor costs. Treepans patent pending design is the only product of its kind that actually expands with the growth of the tree and is recyclable so you can dismantle and use again. With renewed emphasis on "going green' and planting trees, our mission of "protecting trees, protecting our future" will be the platform of our marketing to social media, retail, associations, government and trade shows.
Reason for Entering:
The much needed award would be utilized to produce our new, smaller standard sized Treepans mold with a cost of $30,000. We have received feedback from large retailers (Home Depot, Lowe's) indicating that the 48" jumbo Treepans would be difficult to stock in the stores. They are interested in adding the Treepans to their websites for drop shipping but not for in-store display. In addition, our goal is to move our manufacturing home from India and secure our supply chain. This "Made in America" status will do that.