Entry Details

Eat and Be Merry, cooking and delivering fresh and nutritious meals for families and the elderly.

Dreamer: Britney Bakken     
I want to provide the service of cooking and delivering nutritious meals to clients’ homes, focusing on local and organic products. While working with elderly and people with disabilities in their homes I transformed my cooking style and my relationship with food. I realized how imperative it was for my clients and myself to receive high quality and nutrient dense foods. Through the healing I have witnessed and experienced, food has become central to my life and in helping others.


Michelle Lynn posted the following comment on 6/21/2010 6:43:05 PM I wish you the best with all you do Britney! Good luck with your goals... it is such an important issue and it is amazing how easy it is to overlook..
christina G posted the following comment on 6/20/2010 1:17:58 PM What a dream! I hope this gets rolling for you. Now i must eat some broccoli.
christina G posted the following comment on 6/20/2010 1:17:55 PM What a dream! I hope this gets rolling for you. Now i must eat some broccoli.
T posted the following comment on 6/17/2010 4:13:20 PM “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates, 460 B.C.

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